
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Saturday, September 04, 2004


It's quiet here. The only sounds filtering through are the clock on the wall and the occasion sounds from outside the window (okay, that's a little noisy: someone is weedwacking next door).

I'm all by myself in the house. I just spent the last hour on the computer, drinking coffee. No one was pulling at my arm, trying to get me to come to another room, no one was asking me for a drink of this or a snack of that. No one was trying to tell me in excruciating detail the various strengths and effects of various YuGiOh cards. The TV was not on. No one was trying to crawl into the desk chair with me, no one was trying to jump on top of me.

It's been a long time since I sat in quiet by myself. It's the first time it's happened in this house. It's the first time it's happened since last June.

As crappy as my old job was, it was a wonderful sense of relief to unlock the door to my office in the morning, boot up my computer, and sit in the quiet all by myself. After the harried process of getting us all ready in the morning and both kids off to school, I could physically feel myself unknot as I sat down in the quiet.

For two and a half hours, three days a week, I'll have that quiet again, once Matthew starts school next week and Tessa starts preschool the following week.

OMG, I can't wait.
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