
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What Happened...

to my cautious optimism??? I find myself scared shitless right now.

Perhaps it was that I could bear the thought of another 4 years of Bush. Perhaps it was because I'm just so preoccupied with ebay and surviving SAHMhood right now. Perhaps it was because I have so little brain currently. But I have not let myself get worked up about the election. I just refused to believe that Kerry was not going to be the next president. Or rather, that that imbecile in the White House was going to be president again.

But looking at the election returns come in, I'm scared. I was increasingly anxious all day (TC, this is all your fault! I was fine till I read your blog entry today!!! Then I started frantically taking out the trash and getting together the recycling and doing laundry, anything to keep myself occupied).

I have thought a lot today, not of 2000, which was such a shock to me, but of 1992. Oh, how I remember sitting with Ross and our friend Scott in our sparsely furnished apartment in Honolulu, watching the results come in, feeling an exhilarating sense of optimism for the future. It was heady.

Oh, how I want to feel that again...

I ain't going to bed anytime soon...
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