
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Nightmare in Blogland

Once upon a time I had a friend who really hurt me. Actually, that was not her intention, but she got involved with someone else who had really really hurt me, and when I tried to warn her she basically told me to get lost. This was years ago but it still bothers me (since I can basically never ever let anything go :p).

Anyway, last night I dreamt that I found her blog and in the comments there were a bunch of comments about me. She (as the blog owner) told "me" that I had gotten my second strike, that my previous comments (which I didn't see in the dream) were completely uncalled for. The basic message of the comments was that I was sad, sick fuck.

I woke up going WHOAAAAAAA! Now I'm DREAMING about being persecuted in other people's blogs? Has the blogsphere so penetrated my existence that it's gotten into my nightmares? Or am I just so concerned about what other people think about me that I'm worried about hypothetical trashing in a whole new venue?

You can guess the first thing I did when I got up, though: I googled to see if I could find her blog. I didn't find anything. I don't know if I'm relieved or concerned.
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