
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Monday, March 27, 2006

Maternal Instincts

Being home with Tessa, 24/7, for over two full weeks, has made me really think about demonstrative mothering.

I'm a very hands on mom, very cuddly, very touchy-feely. When Matthew was a toddler, I realized that I could scarcely be near him without stroking his hair, touching his face, hugging him close. Tessa crawls into my lap every chance she gets, and I cuddle her close like a baby. I rock her in my arms and I still get drunk smelling the top of her head.

Tessa is very into "mothering," into play-acting mommies and babies. Every play scenario involves mothers and their children, usually animal mothers and their young. Tessa herself becomes the mother to countless offspring, animal and human and imaginary (well, I know, they're all imaginary, but I mean the imaginary that you can't see :)). She is always so tender and caring with these faux-children, lavishing attention on them and fulfilling all their "needs."

Even when she's playing games that are not "girly," she puts a maternal spin on it. She'll say good night to her Pokemon deck and put a little blanket over it so it won't get cold. Same with her new Nintendo DS (she had to save the little pink spongy packaging sheet that came in the box, since that was its blanket).

I'm constantly blown away by all this mommy play, and I wonder how much is modeling of me, and how much is just her own personality. I wonder how much is "girl" behavior (because I'm constantly amazed at the differences in play and in general behavior between the genders) and how much is uniquely Tessa.

The other day she asked me, "When I have a child, will you help me go shopping for beautiful things for my child?"

Be still, my heart...
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