
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Last Day

This is Tessa's last day of pre-K class (tomorrow is her Stepping Up ceremony, not to be confused with her Moving On ceremony that she had for nursery school. I keep mixing them together and calling it the Stepping On ceremony). This is Matthew's last full day of school.

This is the last day I made Matthew a school lunch in second grade. This is the last day I dropped Tessa off at little kid school. This is the last day (for a while) that I was able to go to the mall by myself. This is the last day I sat in silence at home and had the computer all to myself. This is the last day (for a while) that I could blast music in the car. This is the last day I have a preschooler. This is the last day before our routine changes and while there is a lot to be happy about, we all know how I feel about change.

It's the first day of summer, and the last day for so many other things.
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