
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Big Kid Mom

That's not a reference to my expanding size :p, but a reference to myself as the mom of big kids.

Today we went to the movies. Ross and our friends (who have two boys, aged 7 and 6) went to see Borat, and I took my kids and theirs to see Flushed Away. Everyone made a big deal about me doing this, like I was attempting open heart surgery with a penknife or scaling the Empire State Building in my underwear. Our friends even brought me a bottle of wine (to be consumed after the movie, not during) as a thank you for letting them off-load their kids so they could enjoy an adult movie (so to speak).

And a few years ago, when their boys were younger and much spazzier, and Matthew was a ball of anxiety who couldn't sit through a movie without having to leave, and Tessa was afraid of the noise and the dark, it would have been a huge ordeal for which I probably would never have volunteered. But it was fine, perfectly fine. The kids were all very well behaved and enjoyed the movie and I was actually able to enjoy it too. No one fought over shared popcorn, no one talked too loud, no one had to go to the bathroom, no one had to sit on my lap and bounce up and down on my bladder (that used to be Tessa).

They are big kids now, and there are huge advantages to having big kids. A multitude of everyday activities are so much easier with big kids. I'm coming to appreciate it more and more.

Whether that realization actually cures me of my baby lust is a completely different story, but made for a nice trip to the movie theater.
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