
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Magic Sizing

I'm sitting here wearing size 4 pants. They fit fine.

Back in like, 1985, I wore size 4 pants. They fit fine.

In *no way, shape, or form* am I the same shape or form that I was in 1985. I weighed about 25 pounds more, a great deal of which is padding around my abdomen.

What is *up* with that? Who do they think they are fooling, having shifted sizes so much in 20 years? I think 1985's size 4 would probably be a size 0 now, which is just a ridiculous size, in and of itself. I mean, size 0? Are they going to shift sizes again and start in with negative numbers?

I don't know why this bothers me so much, other than it seeming very manipulative and dishonest of the fashion industry. Is this supposed to make me more likely to buy pants, if I'm buying the same size that I bought 25 pounds ago? Are they afraid I'll run shrieking from the dressing room if I have to put on pants with a number on the label three sizes bigger than I used to wear (since I'm realistically three sizes bigger)? And then they would lose my sale?

Because I probably would :p!
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