
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bruins--The Next Generation

An extraordinary thing happened tonight: Matthew got totally into watching our beloved UCLA Bruins beating the much-despised USC Trojans. The fact that the Bruins won was extraordinary in itself, since they're unranked and kind of suck and USC is ranked #2 in the nation, and were contenders for the national championship. But what was so interesting was that Matthew took such a vested interest in their win.

He's watched UCLA football and basketball on TV before, and has shown some interest. (He actually went to a couple of football games when he was a toddler, but doesn't remember them. I am always happy to tell him the story of how he once threw up three times on the way to the Rose Bowl. The first time, I caught the whole load in my hands--go mommy!--but the subsequent bouts ended up all over the back of the car.)

Tonight he watched the whole game, and was so overwrought, joyous when the Bruins did well, anguished when they performed poorly. I finally had to tell him that if he was going to get so upset, he would have to stop watching. "It's just a game," Ross told him. Yeah right, dude. Ross bleeds blue and gold, and suffers greatly when the Bruins lose.

His dad called the second the game ended, like he always does when UCLA plays. Matthew actually wanted to get on the phone, and rapturously asked Grandpa if he'd seen the game. Matthew said that it had been a great game, and that the Bruins had played so well. Obviously, a new fanatic is born.

Tessa got on the phone and said we'd gone to Pizza Hut for lunch today, and that during the game they'd had popcorn. Have to keep working on that one.
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