
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Well, that didn't last long...

Just yesterday I was thinking about how it's been awhile since I blogged, and that was because I had nothing to complain about. After we had gotten over the stomach ick, things have been going quite nicely.

Matthew got through the ELA state testing last week with aplomb. He was excited about taking the 2 day test, and felt he did well, rather than being anxious and overwrought about it. These are the hardest subjects for him, and just a few months ago he thought he couldn't read or write, so it's a major accomplishment and a real sea change.

I've been happier with Ross, liking him and cherishing him as a friend, than I have in years. I mean, I've always not only loved him, but genuinely liked him as a person, but in the flurry of our everyday lives and my focus on the kids, it has been less arduous than in our salad days. It may be a testament to my getting my brain chemistry more in whack (LOVE my supplement regimen! I really noticed the difference when I let it slide somewhat during our trip, and then when I went back on in a rigorous fashion again), but I just really, really like him these days.

So I was actually thinking about a blog post yesterday entitled "Nuthin' to Say," since I had nothing to say, nothing to write about, following the initial line of "Damn, I'm happy."

I didn't even *do* it and I jinxed it all!

Last night Tessa obviously was feeling the effects of a cold, as she got very congested and started using 25 tissues an hour. The wastebasket in the livingroom filled to the brim, in a matter of minutes, with barely used tissues, stacked one on top of the other. She went to sleep fine (dosed up on generic Sudaphed), but was up by 1:00AM more or less for good. Considering I went to sleep around 12:20, that wasn't much of a night's sleep.

It was obvious this morning that she was not going to school, so there's another day of errands lost. Now of course she's asleep, too late for me to sleep as well since we have to go pick up Matthew in 40 minutes.

And Matthew. Sigh. His teacher called at 11:30, trying to get him to talk to me on the phone and tell me "what had happened in gym." *Sooooooooo* not the words I wanted to hear. He refused, just hmphing on the phone, so she had to get back on to tell me. It turns out he was being a total jerk to the girl in his class whom he's been locking horns with for several weeks now. She's been teasing him, but today apparently he was the initiator, being very obnoxious, yelling at her across the gym, taunting and growling at her. I've tried to talk to him about his inability to get along with this girl, but it just escalates into him getting very upset and shutting down. His teacher has moved into "What are we going to do about this?" mode and frankly I have no idea. He starts therapy sessions with his psychiatrist (whom we saw last week), but not till Feb.

So now I feel like I'm drowning and ineffectual again, and I'm looking back at my happy buzz of yesterday and wondering "Where, oh where, did you go?????"
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