
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Friday, February 09, 2007


Man, those bears sure have the right idea. (Sorry, Stephen Colbert. I love you with a white-hot passion, but I just don't see bears as godless killing machines.)

After the week I had, with dealing with Matthew, and with Tessa's incessant whining (we made a fun game yesterday afternoon of seeing who could whine in the most annoying pitch. It hurt my ears, but it made her giggle and eventually pulled her out of her daily funk that includes non-stop whining), and this FREAKING FREEZING COLD weather, I could stand a nice nap. One that lasts two months or so.

There is just so much clamoring irritation built up inside me right now. I'm just pissed off at everyone (and YES, I'm on the rag; WHY do you ask????) and I hate feeling like this. I try to do things that bring some joy (like I started a new short story, and I bought a bunch of Gymboree stuff at great sale prices, and I have eaten Valentine's Day chocolate), but it feels too ingrained, this feeling of ick. I need to sleep it off, like a great odious drunk, and cleanse from the inside. I'd like to stick little nano-cleaners, tiny little robot scrubbers, into my ears and have them scurry around in my head and scour away all the acculmulation of sadness and anger and impatience that's built up in there.

Alternatively, I'd like to sleep till spring.
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