
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Happiest Place on Earth

We're back from two full days at Disneyland/CA Adventure. It was hot, crowded, and intermittently great. I've loved Disney in all its disgusting, vapid glory, all my life, and the kids love it too. Ross (who was a polyester-clad balloon/popcorn/churro selling drone for 2 painful minimum-wage summers in college)despises Disneyland, so it's a testament to what a great dad he is that he sacrifices two full days of his limited vacation to CA to make his kids (and wife) happy.

The kids got tired and cranky at times, and we discovered that they had outgrown their tennis shoes (sneakers to you east coast types) over the summer, but on the whole they had such a good time. Matthew really did incredibly well considering how on edge he's been. Tessa was surprisingly timid about going on fast rides (where did my fearless girl go?), but she loved the things she did go on.

The best moment for me was when we were sitting on the ground watching the Electrical Parade (now the Disney Electrical Parade, brought to us by Sylvania, a Siemens company, as they kept telling us. I still remember when it was the Main Street Electrical Parade, and I saw the very very last outing it had, and I have a bulb from one of the floats. They had to bring the parade back to try and attract people to the floundering CA Adventure park, which sort of annoyed me because they had said that it was leaving forever. Anyway.).

Tessa waved and waved at all the characters on the floats, like she was the Rose Queen. The Blue Fairy saw her, waved back, and blew her a kiss. Tessa beamed, touched her cheek, and then fell back against me like she was fainting. I was so happy that tears streamed down my cheeks.

I always knew that the things I loved, like Disneyland and Christmas, would be even better seen through the eyes of my children, but I had underestimated the level of joy I would feel. My heart is filled to bursting.
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