
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cream Me

So I finally got to see an OB/GYN. She was very nice, very pleasant, and very straight-forward. I love this medical group (the first time I've gone to OB/GYN there). I waited a total of three minutes in the waiting room, and no time whatsoever in the "little room" after I donned my elegant maroon gown (opening in the front) and paper lap drape.

She gave me a bunch of info on PMS/PMDD (which I had already read), and called a pharmacist to compound some progesterone cream for me. This will be sent directly to my house. I'm to use it for a couple of months and if I don't start feeling better (as in, less yelling at people and crying at movies that aren't really tearjerkers), I'm to call or email her and let her know. Sound good, I guess. I was kind of hoping for something more aggressive right off the bat, but I understand the desire to start out lower-intervention.

And I'm scheduled for a mammogram next month, my very first. Sigh, I'll bet you never forget your first mammogram. I'm just wondering how the tech will be able to get ahold of enough boob to get a good picture. (Sorry, TMI??)
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