
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Monday, March 10, 2008

Speaking of My Poor Old Body...

emphasis on the old...

I've found today that I have other body parts that get sore when they are employed in a vigorous fashion. This did not happen so readily in the past. Gack, now I really feel old. I had the tune of "The Old Grey Mare" going through my head as I showered this morning.

Then as I went through my morning computer tasks, I started listening to this fabulous compilation of '80s hits (that our friend bought for $5 on a street in Manila). HUNDREDS of hits of the '80s, from 1980 to 1984. Those were my high school years, so in essence this is the soundtrack to my time in high school. As I was singing and head bopping along, it occurred to me that this song, the theme from Flashdance, was TWENTY-FIVE years old! A quarter of a century. I remember how odd it was for me when I turned 25 years old, that *I* was a quarter of a century old, and now music that I danced to, and sang along with, and had sex to, as a junior in HIGH SCHOOL, is now that old.

I know, it's all relative. My old boss (as in former, though he was pretty old) used to sign everyone's birthday cards with "Oh, to be ___ again!" with whatever age they were in the blank. He wrote it for people turning 22 and people turning 55. So I know that my dismay over 25 years is going to look silly when it's 35 years, and when it's 50 (if I'm fortunate enough to see that day come).

But I wouldn't be me if I didn't fret, right? If you would be so kind as to call it fretting, as opposed to whining, or bitching. I think I told that story about my old boss signing birthday cards before, here on my blog. You know us old folks, forever repeatin' ourselves.

And Carrie, my poor old body would totally love another spa day with you!
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