
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ships that Pass in the Night

I've been in a phase for awhile now, in which I really like my husband :). Of course I always love him, but for several months now I've really really *liked* him. Liked him as a person, thought of him as sweet and funny and enjoyable to be around, admired him for how hard he works, appreciated how much he does for us as a family and for me personally. (He's also still a STUD, even if he is a grey-templed old geezer, but that's another story :D.)

A prime example is how hard he had to finesse his schedule so that I could go to Vegas for 3 days and 4 nights. He was swamped at work AND he had jury duty. A couple of days before I was set to leave, he got assigned to a grand jury! Yet he managed to schedule his jury days so that he did not have to go in on the Friday that I was gone. That weekend was a whirlwind of trying to keep his head above water with the work he was missing because of jury duty, writing papers long past midnight, helping Matthew assemble their new computer, and finding ways for Tessa to construct "training" sessions for him on various video games, since she was feeling left out of the whole computer business. And he never complained a bit.

He picked me up on Monday morning and then dashed off to jury duty again. He was dismissed around noon, and wanted to go into work, but decided instead to stick around and have lunch with me. Then we came home with time to spare before Tessa needed to be picked up (and yes, that *is* the Starland Vocal Band you hear in the background!).

He left for DC at 5:00AM this morning. He's there till Wednesday night (since he has to be back on Thursday for more jury duty). I feel like I just got back from Vegas (though I've been back longer than I was gone), and now he's gone himself.

I miss him.
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