
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hello Again

Hmmm, I don't remember the last time I went nine days without posting. Do I have nothing to say? Or am I just feeling tired and funky? Or what?

I had a physical last Tues., for the first time in 4 years. Apparently I am given a clean bill of health. No glucose problems (I've been wondering when the specter of Type II diabetes may rear its ugly head in my life), cholesterol great, bloodwork in general all clear. I had the singular experience of being asked to pee into a narrow TEST TUBE for the first time, which was a bit of a trick. No cup to use, just a test tube. The woman who was in the lab before me had been a little overzealous in filling her test tube, and she couldn't get the stopper on. The tech was telling her, nicely but a bit frantically, "Here, just put it in the rack! No, no, you'll splash it! Just let me take care of it." Ewww.

While in the examination room, I did have to go through the whole, "So do you work outside the home?" thang with the doctor. That's always fun. I have my pat speech about being a SAHM, and how I haven't been able to go back to work because my son has Aspergers and has a lot of issues. She was sympathetic ("That must be so hard"), then continued to ask me, "So do you have any hobbies? What do you do for yourself?" I'm always tempted to say, "No, no, I just sit around on my ass all day! No hobbies, no mind, I'm an IDIOT!!!!" :p I blabbered something about being a writer, and when she asked me what kind of writing I did, I lamely said, "Well, I have a blog." O.M.G.

So maybe that's why I haven't posted in nine days. Now that I've told someone that this blog is what I "do," well, that's way too much pressure. Self-imposed, of course, which is the highest quality pressure of all.
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