
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How Exactly Does Crap Feel?

It is a strange expression. I mean, I guess *looking* like crap is a bad thing, though usually when we say that we just look tired and haggard, rather than brown and lumpy, but what does it mean to *feel* like crap?

I don't know, but I definitely feel badly. Sunday night I got these stabbing pains in my stomach and I had to promise I'd go to Urgent Care if they weren't better by the next day. On Monday they turned to soreness and bloat, and then later in the evening to seismic-level cramps. Ahh, "just" PMS. Big reason to really hate those double X chromosomes.

Last night it all culminated in an honest-to-goodness migraine. Just recently I've been having headaches that I think qualify as migraines, as opposed to the sort-of-cluster-but-not-exactly headaches I've had all my life. Total nausea, aversion to light and sound, ready to chop off my head just to make it stop hurting. Part of the problem seemed to be sinus-related, so I took Mucinex and Sudaphed on top of a handful of ibuprofen. Ummm, I'd forgotten that I recently seem to have become sensitive to pseudoephedrine (which I've taken and LOVED for decades, so much more than that sorry phenylephrine), that it makes my heart palpate and makes me feel speedy in a decisively bad way. Sooo, on top of feeling like, well, crap, I couldn't fall asleep.

Today Tessa is home from school, having gotten two days off for Rosh Hashanah (as opposed to Matthew, who only got yesterday off. Now THAT was a fun explanation!). We had an appointment to go to Matthew's school, to introduce Tessa to the campus and have a little informal family therapy. So crawling back into bed wasn't an option. I made it through the meeting and driving without throwing up, which I consider a personal triumph.

And now I'm going to crash on the couch and curse this poor broke-down body. Crappiness, take me away.
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