
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stand Up

I love having a funny husband. The great thing too is that we switch off on feeding each other lines, intentionally or unintentionally, and we love it when the other is the comic as well as the straight man (insert joke here).

Yesterday Ross went to the orthopedist, to have his knee looked at. It still hurts, 6 months after it went **POP** while he was walking to the train station. He's going to call today to be scheduled for an MRI. The good news is that the ortho didn't think it was necessarily the ligament, as Ross had feared, which would have to be fixed with full-on replacement surgery. Ross is not relishing the thought of them opening up his knee, and having to harvest a ligament from somewhere else in his body.

"Someday they'll be able to make artificial ones," I said, "but yeah, they can't just pull them out of the air."

"No," he said, "they pull them OUT OF YOUR ASS." Bu-dum-CHEE!! The audience laughs appreciatively and applauds.

(It's funny because it's true--the best ligaments come from your ass, because they're much stronger.)

It's also fun to live with someone who shares all of your inside jokes, 23 years worth of them. I've often thought that no matter what, even if John Cusack came knocking on my door (the real one or the metaphorical one :D), I would have to stay with Ross, you know, for the jokes.
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