
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Friday, November 07, 2008

Welcome to My (Everyday) World

One thing that I'll really miss about the online board I left is having a place to talk about my mundane life. It was so easy to post, and people were always talking about the little things they had going on in their lives. It was the place I talked about stuff I'd bought that day, or the kids' field trips, or stuff that was on my mind. I stopped talking about that stuff on the August list a long time ago, and this blog has always served as the place I really *write* about things of at least some significance.

Didn't someone write a book about blogging, called No One Cares What You Had for Lunch, or something like that? That's how I've tried to treat my own blog, which is why I often don't post for several days. I often have strings of days in which, well, nothing really happens. I get the kids off to school, I run errands, I go shopping, I hang out on the computer. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Well, I've decided that sometimes it's okay to talk about stuff like that here, even if no one really cares :).

Today I went on Tessa's walking field trip to the firehouse downtown. She had a dentist appointment at 11:15, which meant I had to drive her to school, come home to put Matthew on his bus, go back to her school to make arrangements for her to leave with me from the firehouse, drive to the firehouse and park, then walk back toward school till I met up with the group. The firehouse tour was much as you'd expect, though we did have the thrill of getting to see the truck and engine drive away when the firefighters got a call. Of course, then the tour was somewhat shortened, because with the truck and engine gone there wasn't much else to see. They'd already shown a lot of the equipment on those vehicles, though, so it was okay. The kids were all vastly amused that the firefighters, as they got into their gear, left their shoes on the floor where they took them off and just hopped onto the trucks.

Not too earth-shattering, but it's what happened today.
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