
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jump Start

It seems I'm doing whatever it takes these days to keep from writing, including having a car accident and subsequent bodily suffering. I'm finding cool books to read, taking naps, watching the NBA playoffs. Anything to avoid writing.

I know there are some people out there who became writers because they couldn't help it; they have to write. They get ideas, and the ideas bitch and moan and torment them in the middle of the night and in the midst of all other tasks until they get committed to paper or monitor. Then there are other writers to whom it doesn't come easily; they have to work at it. They have to sit their butts down in their chairs and force themselves to something of a writing schedule, treating it like a 9-5 job. They tell themselves it doesn't matter what crap they write, at first anyway, as long as something gets put down on the page (virtual or otherwise).

My ideas flit around in my head, but don't seem strong-willed enough to force their way out. It seems that I don't want to start, because then I might have to finish? The question mark there indicates my ambivalence. Do I have to finish? Not really. No one is making me write. I should do it because I want to. Do I want to?

There just has to be something more to my life than doing laundry and shopping. I need some crank in my head to turn, to get me started on something else.
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