
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Bunny Girl

Yesterday my baby girl turned eight years old. She is lovely and magical and larger than life.

As her years on earth accumulate, a sense of panic builds in me. She is growing up, stepping away from me and farther out into the world. She still clings to me now, enclosing me in waves of love and need and connectivity. But the time when that diminishes is right around the corner; I can almost see it in my peripheral vision. The intensity of emotion she feels for me will never completely fade, but it will never again be what it is now. I will bear this, but not lightly.

She drives me insane on a daily basis, but she is the brightest spot in my universe. I feel like she was my most profound gift, the one sent to show me the limitlessness of the sky. And now she is eight. A figure eight, a circle that turns round upon itself. Place it on its side and it's a symbol, meaning infinity.
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