
Standing on the East Coast, pointed toward California, and clicking my heels three times

Friday, November 05, 2010

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
(The original Van Morrison version, NOT the Rod Stewart cover :D)

For some reason, I can't log in to my own Comments as myself. Or rather, when I log in to Comments, it comes up with the avatar and screen name that I use to comment on the AMC TV message boards. I guess they all use the same service, so you can log in under your Google, Blogger, Yahoo, Twitter, etc. accounts.

So I can't comment back to the lovely comments I've received to the posts made since my triumphant (J/K) return. I tend to be a negligent comment-backer anyway, which is a failing on my part, since I always enjoy getting comments back from the comments I leave other people. I should reciprocate more. But now I can't figure out how to do that on here.

And that's a shame, since I would like to reply to the comments I've gotten. It made me feel so good, so loved and so...worthwhile :). That you were actually happy to see me post again, were looking forward to reading what I had to say.

So I don't say it often enough, but I love you, my dear friends :).
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